Mediation offers constructive processes for resolving differences and conflicts between individuals, groups, and organizations. It is an alternative to avoidance, destructive confrontation, prolonged litigation, violence, and loss of services.
It gives people in conflict an opportunity to take responsibility for the resolution of their dispute and control of the outcome.
Mediation - private, confidential & effective
MEDIATION is a private, usually voluntary, discussion and consensual decision-making process in which one or more impartial persons - the mediator(s) - assist people, organizations, and communities in conflict to work toward a variety of goals.
Parties in the mediation process are encouraged to:
improve communication, understanding and empathy;
improve relationships;
use mediation to minimize, avoid or enhance involvement in the legal/judicial system;
work toward mutual understanding to resolve a problem or dispute;
reach their own decisions;
resolve underlying conflicts;
prevent problems from recurring.
The primary responsibility for any resolution of a dispute rests with the parties. Mediators never give opinions on the issues in dispute. Mediators work to:
facilitate communication among the parties;
help them explore mutual understanding;
assist in defining and clarifying issues;
maximize the exploration of alternatives;
assist in exploring reconciliation and settlement.